Breakthrough Montessori School Home Association
building community together
The Breakthrough School Home Association (SHA) is the community of parents and caregivers dedicated to supporting the students and staff of Breakthrough Montessori PCS. We liaise with school administration, plan annual events to build community, and honor guides and staff for all that they do for our students.
If you care for a child at Breakthrough, you’re already an SHA member! We’ll publish a list of upcoming SHA events and meetings closer to the start of the school year. To volunteer for a committee or special event or to learn about other ways to get involved, email [email protected].
We also ask that all families join the Breakthrough SHA WhatsApp community to be added to their classroom group and to receive communication about SHA events, meetings, and volunteer opportunities.
SHA Executive Committee (SY 2024-2025)
President – Keisha Igbazua
Vice President – Meghan Sullivan
Secretary – Allison Cabaniss
Treasurer – Justin Archer
Room Parent Liaison – Ruby Sheikh
Director of Communications – Colleen Scott
Director of Diversity and Inclusion – Iyanna Ndomale
At Large – Mea Geizhals
At Large – Russia Ball